Record Expungement Attorney
Chester County Expungement Lawyer
When you’ve finished your prison term or probation, you’ve served your time and should be a free man or free woman. You should no longer suffer the consequences of your crime. Unfortunately, after you’ve served your time, your criminal record will reflect your conviction. Even if you acquitted, records of the proceedings may still exist, and can haunt you for the rest of your life.
There is a process, however, called expungement, sometimes called expunction and often referred to as “record sealing,” where, under specific circumstances, most of the records are destroyed and the remaining ones are concealed from the public.
West Chester Expungement Lawyer
A West Chester expungement lawyer can help you through this complicated procedure. Your attorney can advise you, based on your record, whether you are eligible to have your records expunged and help make sure all your ducks are in a row when you proceed. At Ciccarelli Law Offices, our team of attorneys is ready to help you put the past behind you through record expungement. Call us today at (610) 692-8700 to set up a consultation.
We are based in West Chester, and are able to assist clients with expungement throughout the region, including Chester County, Montgomery County, Lancaster County, Delaware County and Philadelphia. We have offices in Springfield, Malvern, King of Prussia, Kennett Square, Radnor, Philadelphia and Lancaster.
Our expungement and pardon attorneys can help you when you have questions and need legal advice and representation to remove or expunge a prior criminal history. Learn more about clearing your record and expunging a criminal charge, summary offense, juvenile record or traffic charge in Pennsylvania. Look to our firm if you are seeking to remove a criminal charge that was dismissed or noll prossed or placed on ard in PA. Contact us for information and advice on a criminal record expungement or pardon to clear your record. A Pennsylvania criminal record stares back at you and can be seen by your family, your friends, your enemies your neighbors, our former employers, your current boss and any future boss.
Learn More About Expungement Law:
- The Impact of A Criminal Record
- Obtaining an Expungement after ARD
- Obtaining an Expungement on Juvenile Charges
- Clearing Your Record of a summary Retail Theft
- Expunging an Underage Drinking Citation
- Understanding the Pardon Process
Expunging Your Criminal Record
There is a number of reasons why you should speak to an attorney about your prior criminal history: Embarrassed by a first offense drunk driving charge that was never removed from your record or a conviction for an underage drinking offense or fighting offense when you were younger. Trying to recover from a troubled past that led to a criminal conviction. It haunts you and follows you and will stay with you until you can find a lawyer that will work for you to get it expunged or pardoned.
Ciccarelli Law Offices works to eliminate the scars of a prior record and the discrimination, scorn and bias that comes from others that learn of your past. We are motivated to work with you and avoid the pratfalls of that criminal record coming up with when after an application for college, a license or professional license and job applications.
We represent individuals in criminal record expungement cases throughout PA including Berks County, Bucks County, Chester County, Delaware County, Lancaster County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia. Our main offices are at 304 North High Street, West Chester PA 19380 in Chester County PA and we can be reached at (610) 692-8700 or (877) 529-2422.
Understand the difference between an expungement, which applies to ARD, first time offender’s programs, a nolle prosse, not guilty, acquittal or dismissal, juvenile offense or summary level conviction; and a pardon, which applies to convictions of criminal offenses. We can help.
Learn more about getting your criminal record expunged, from experienced criminal record expungement lawyers based in West Chester, Chester County Pennsylvania. Speak to us and we can advise you on whether you are eligible for an expungement or whether the pardon process makes sense for you.
We are based in suburban Philadelphia in Chester County at 304 North High Street, West Chester PA but service clients throughout the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area including in Berks, Bucks, Delaware, Lancaster, Montgomery Counties and Center City Philadelphia. We charge reasonable fees and offer reasonable means to make payment including credit card options. Contact Ciccarelli Law Offices to speak to a Pennsylvania Expungement or Pardon Lawyer today. Call toll free (877) 529-2422. Learn what steps can be taken to clear your Pennsylvania Record and expunge prior arrests. Contact a Pennsylvania Expungement or Pardon Lawyer at Ciccarelli Law Offices for answers to your questions on whether you are eligible for either an expungement or pardon of your prior charges.
Pennsylvania law provides some limited and specific basis for clearing your record after you have been charged and or fingerprinted for committing a criminal offense in Pennsylvania. Depending on your age, the nature of the crimes and whether the matter was accepted into the Pennsylvania first time offender Program (ARD), determines when the court considers granting an expungement, including the severity of the crime, the type of crime, the disposition of the case, the length of time since dismissal of a case and other factors.
These conditions include where there has been acquittal, a dismissal, nolle pros or withdrawal of the charges, successful ARD completion, the charges are summary offenses, offenses committed by a juvenile, the accused is seventy years older with no prior record in the past decade, or the offender is deceased.
In many cases an application could be rejected because of an old or forgotten charge without you being informed. Do not make the mistake of being the victim of your our prior record.
Unfortunately, individuals who a criminal conviction for a misdemeanor or felony or not eligible for an expungement under the Pennsylvania Expungement laws. However, even someone with a criminal conviction has the option for applying for a pardon with the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons. Unlike a court process, the pardon process is an administrative process which is subject to the Governor’s review and approval. Our office represents people in the complicated Pardon Process which requires a pardon hearing in the State Capital of Harrisburg.
Once an individual receives a Governor’s Pardon, you will be able to clear your criminal record. In some cases, an expungement petition follows the Pardon Process to insure that there are no outstanding records of the prior criminal record in Pennsylvania.
The Pardon Board looks at a number of factors in its decision to recommend an individual for a Governor’s Pardon including: the nature of the offense, the surrounding facts to the offense, the length of time since the date of the arrest, whether all the sentencing requirements have been completed, and a compelling justification for granting the pardon including the impact the criminal record has had on your life, your ability for you to obtain employment and/or provide for your family.
Information on Expungement in West Chester
- Expungement in Pennsylvania Law
- Juvenile Records That May Be Expunged
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Expungement in Pennsylvania Law
When a criminal record is expunged in Pennsylvania, all copies of the record are destroyed, except for one. The one copy is retained and may only be seen by law enforcement. The records will therefore no longer be available for background checks and public information requests. With the internet, it is difficult to completely erase the history of anything, however, there will be no official records that anyone may see.
Many people refer to the practice as “record sealing.” Record sealing means that the records still exist, but are not available to the public. There is no record sealing in Pennsylvania.
The law for expungement is in 18 Pa. Cons. Stats. § 9122. The law allows for you to have your records relating to an offense or arrest expunged under the following conditions:
- You were not convicted and receive a court order for expunction;
- You were arrested and, 18 months later, there is no action pending against you;
- The conviction was for minor in possession, and you are now 21 or older and have served all parts of the resulting sentence;
- The conviction was for a summary offense, and you have not been arrested or faced charges for five years; or
- You are 70 or older and it has been 10 years since you completed your sentence.
You may also seek to expunge the records of a loved one after he or she has been dead for three years.
Some offenses may never be expunged, even after you are 70. A conviction for any of the following offenses may not be expunged if the victim was a child:
- Rape
- Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse
- Aggravated Indecent Assault
- Sexual Assault
- Statutory Sexual Assault
- Indecent Assault
- Indecent Exposure
- Promoting Prostitution
- Child pornography-related offenses
You may also seek to have DNA evidence expunged and removed from the state’s DNA database if your conviction was overturned or reversed under 44 Pa. Cons. Stats. § 2321.
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Juvenile Records That May Be Expunged
You may seek to have records expunged from juvenile delinquency matters and summary offenses (other than minor in possession of alcohol) committed as a juvenile under certain circumstances, including:
- You or your child completed an informal adjustment, six months have passed and there is no adjudication pending;
- You or your child has been discharged from supervision under a consent decree or diversion program, six months have passed and there no adjudication or conviction pending.
- You or your child are now 18 or older, it has been six months or more since satisfying all terms and conditions of a conviction for a summary offense, you or your child have not been adjudicated as delinquent and have no convictions for any misdemeanors or felonies since and there is no such charge pending;
- It has been five years since final discharge from disposition and referral, and you or your child have not been adjudicated delinquent or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony; or
- The district attorney consents to the expungement after considering you or your child’s age, history, drug or alcohol issues, current state and whether the expunging the record will affect public safety.
Expungement is not a simple procedure. An attorney can help guide you through.
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Helping You Achieve a Clean Record Through Expunction
If your arrest record or criminal conviction is haunting you, you may be able to expunge the record and seek a new life. A West Chester expungement lawyer at Ciccarelli Law Offices can help you do that. We help people throughout the Greater Philadelphia area with expungement, including in Coatesville, Downingtown and Exton. Call us today at (610) 692-8700 to set up a free consultation.
Contact an Experienced Chester County Expungement Lawyer
Contact a Pennsylvania Expungement or Pennsylvania Pardon Lawyer at Ciccarelli Law Offices. Ciccarelli Law Offices is based in suburban Philadelphia with main locations in West Chester and Kennett Square. We represent individuals in expungement and pardon matters throughout Pennsylvania including. For legal questions or a free case evaluation, call out firm today!