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Posts Categorized: Car Accidents

How Rollover Accidents Happen

Posted on October 17th, 2022

Rollover incidents are incredibly terrifying, and these often result in significant injuries for drivers and passengers. Before you hit the roadway, it is important to understand how rollover accidents occur. In many cases, these incidents are caused by the negligent actions of other drivers. However, single-vehicle rollover accidents also occur, sometimes caused by bad weather, roadway debris, or other roadway… READ MORE

Understanding Line-Of-Sight Car Accidents

Posted on October 17th, 2022

Vehicle accidents and determining liability can be confusing, as there are many factors that go into how these collisions occur. Fault is not always black and white, particularly when issues such as an obstructed line of sight come into play. Here, we want to discuss what a line-of-sight car accident is and how this can affect liability for an incident.… READ MORE

What To Do If An At-Fault Driver Offers You Money At The Scene?

Posted on October 17th, 2022

Vehicle accidents can be confusing experiences, particularly right after the incident occurs. Unfortunately, there are times when individuals at the scene of a crash try to handle things the wrong way. Just about every vehicle accident has to be reported to the police, and any compensation should be handled through insurance carriers. However, what happens if the at-fault driver offers… READ MORE

Do I Have To Report A Minor Car Accident In Philadelphia?

Posted on August 30th, 2022

Every state has requirements for reporting vehicle accidents. Nearly every vehicle accident that occurs in Pennsylvania will have to be reported to law enforcement officials and insurance carriers. However, there are some situations where a minor vehicle accident may not need to be reported, but these situations are few and far between. Here, we want to review what the state… READ MORE

Tips For Driving In Low Visibility Conditions

Posted on August 30th, 2022

When the visibility begins to decrease, dangers increase on the roadway. If you are operating a motor vehicle in Pennsylvania and there are low visibility conditions, you need to know the steps that you can take to keep yourself, your passengers, and others on the roadway safe. Defensive Driving Techniques Are Important As with any type of driving situation, individuals… READ MORE

What Are Pennsylvania’s Texting And Driving Laws?

Posted on August 30th, 2022

Every state across the country has some sort of law in place to prevent individuals from driving while distracted by a mobile phone. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is no different. We want to examine the texting and driving laws in place in Pennsylvania as well as look at some of the dangers related to distracted driving. Speak to a car… READ MORE

What Not To Do After A Car Accident

Posted on August 30th, 2022

Getting into a car accident can be a terrifying experience, particularly if you sustain an injury or significant property damage. However, if another individual caused the accident, you need to take certain steps to recover compensation. There are also some things that you should absolutely not do after a car accident if you want to recover the maximum amount of… READ MORE

What To Do If Someone Is Tailgating You

Posted on August 30th, 2022

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car crashes that occur in Pennsylvania. Most often, these incidents are caused by one driver following another vehicle too closely. Here, we want to examine what you can do if you are being tailgated. If another driver is following you too closely, the steps that you take could help prevent… READ MORE

Car Accident Claims With Leased Vehicles

Posted on August 22nd, 2022

Not everybody owns a vehicle outright or makes payments on a vehicle that they wish to eventually own. In some cases, individuals lease vehicles that they will turn back in after the lease expires. Here, we want to discuss what happens when a leased vehicle is involved in a vehicle accident. Specifically, we want to examine the types of insurance… READ MORE

How To Get A Copy Of Your Police Report After A Car Accident

Posted on August 22nd, 2022

If you or somebody you love has been involved in a car accident, they will very likely be an insurance claim. However, in order to file the insurance claim, you will need to obtain a copy of the police report pertaining to the accident. Here, we want to discuss how you can obtain Pennsylvania vehicle accident reports so you can… READ MORE

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