When you go to work each day, you likely do so knowing that you will be taken care of if you sustain an injury on the job. We can usually count on having workers’ compensation insurance. However, there are times when employers fail to carry the required insurance for their employees. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were around 2.8 million workplace injuries or illnesses during the latest reporting year. These injuries occur regularly, and injured workers should be able to count on coverage.
Which Employers Are Required to Have Workers’ Comp Insurance?
In general, you can assume that all businesses have to have workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. The state mandates that employers carry workers’ comp for all part-time or full-time employees. The only businesses that are exempt from this are those with less than one employee. This includes businesses that hire family members.
Workers’ compensation insurance in Pennsylvania ensures that injured workers are able to receive coverage of their medical care and lost wages. This coverage also provides protection for employers against lawsuits filed by injured workers.
What Can I Do If My Employer Doesn’t Have Workers’ Comp Insurance?
Finding out that your employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance can be scary. You depend on your job, and you need to have protection in the event an injury occurs. In Pennsylvania, if you suspect your employer is not following workers’ compensation laws, you can contact the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry through their Compliance Section, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation at (717) 787-3567.
If your employer does not have workers’ comp and you have been injured, that does not mean you will not receive compensation.
In Pennsylvania, the Uninsured Employers Guaranty Fund (the “UEGF” for short) is available to ensure workers can get coverage even if their employer does not have workers’ comp. However, there is a process that needs to be followed in order to get compensation through this fund, and a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney will be able to help you get through this.
In these cases, you can also file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. While this process may take longer than a workers’ comp claim, it is still important that you recover compensation for your medical bills and lost income. You should not be on the line for covering work injury expenses, regardless of who was at fault for the injury.
Injured? Contact Ciccarelli Law Offices in Philly
Whether or not to pursue a claim through the UEGF or through a personal injury lawsuit should be discussed with a Philadelphia workers’ compensation attorney. At the Ciccarelli Law Offices, we have extensive experience helping clients injured at work secure the compensation they need. This can include:
- Compensation for your medical bills
- Lost wages and benefits if you cannot work
- General household expenses
- Pain and suffering damages
- Possible punitive damages against the employer
The amount of compensation an injured worker receives will vary depending on several factors, including how severe the injury is, the total medical bills, how much time away from work there is, and more. When you need a Philadelphia injury attorney in Pennsylvania, contact our Philly office by filling out a contact form or by calling us at 215.228.0100.