If you or somebody you love has been involved in a car accident, they will very likely be an insurance claim. However, in order to file the insurance claim, you will need to obtain a copy of the police report pertaining to the accident. Here, we want to discuss how you can obtain Pennsylvania vehicle accident reports so you can move forward with your insurance claims or a personal injury lawsuit if one becomes necessary.
Who Can Obtain a Crash Report in Pennsylvania?
In Pennsylvania, Section 3751(b) of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code authorizes any person involved in the crash, their attorney, and the insurance carriers to obtain a copy of the accident report. There are other entities of government that are allowed to obtain this report as well.
It is important to understand that you cannot obtain the vehicle accident report right away. Typically, the state government asks that you give them 15 days from the date the crash occurred to submit a report request. You also need to be aware that you will have to pay $22.00 to receive your vehicle accident report.
Any person wishing to obtain their crash report can do so online. If you are an authorized person allowed to obtain the report, you can search and purchase the electronic copy online. You will need a valid e-mail address in order to purchase the crash report and receive the link to download the report.
If you do not have an existing paper copy of the police report, you can search for the report online by using the names of those involved and the date of the crash to look for possible results. You can also view additional information about crashes on the search page to narrow down your report selection. After you find the correct crash report, you simply add it to your shopping cart online and then make the purchase using a debit card or credit card.
Individuals can also submit a request for a crash report by mail if they choose to do so. Again, the cost is $22.00, and the request form must be submitted with a money order or certified check payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The order form to obtain the crash report can be seen here.
Why is the Crash Report Important?
Obtaining the crash report is critically important if you are going to file a claim with an insurance carrier for injuries or property damage. This includes claims made against your insurance carrier or against another party’s insurance carrier.
Your insurance claim will not move forward unless the carrier has a copy of the accident report. However, it may also be necessary for you to work with a skilled car accident lawyer in Pennsylvania who has experience handling these claims. Simply having the crash report may not be enough to ensure that you recover the compensation you are entitled to. Often, crash reports are not detailed enough, and liability for the incident may not be clear. A Philadelphia accident attorney can get involved, conduct an independent investigation, and work to determine liability so you can recover full compensation.