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Posts Categorized: Car Accidents

Should I Sign A Medical Authorization Release Form After My Accident?

Posted on January 16th, 2020

In the aftermath of a car accident, you will be claiming compensation against the negligent driver’s insurance carrier (or with yours if you are using no-fault coverage). You will be making many important decisions that could affect the amount of your settlement. One of these decisions will revolve around whether or not you should sign a medical authorization for the… READ MORE

Involved in A Car Accident Without Car Insurance

Posted on January 15th, 2020

Car insurance is required by every state in this country. However, there are an estimated 32 million uninsured drivers in the United States. For various reasons, some drivers make the choice to operate without insurance. This is never a good idea and can lead to serious penalties, including license suspension, jail time, and various monetary penalties. Pennsylvania “choice no-fault” System… READ MORE

How Much Is My Car Accident Injury Claim Worth?

Posted on January 14th, 2020

In the aftermath of a car accident, victims need to know how much their claim is worth. Car accident victims are often overwhelmed, dealing with injuries, and worried about getting their vehicle fixed. Various factors can affect the amount a person receives from a car accident settlement. Understanding these factors and how they impact your claim is important. What factors… READ MORE

How Can A Witness Help My Car Accident Case?

Posted on January 13th, 2020

The aftermath of a Philadelphia car accident case can be incredibly confusing. If you are injured or dealing with property damage, you need to know how you can get compensation for your accident-related expenses. There are various factors that can affect whether or not you receive compensation and how much a settlement may be. While many car accident claims come… READ MORE

New Years & Christmas Car Accident Statistics

Posted on December 21st, 2019

It is the holiday season in the US. While you may be breathing easy having made it through Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, you know that you have to gear right back up again. Christmas and New Years are right around the corner. Unfortunately, one of the most common themes during the holidays is drunk driving crashes. The period… READ MORE

Winter Driving Safety Tips

Posted on November 15th, 2019

Winter driving is something that we have to deal with in Pennsylvania. It can be both frustrating and scary for travelers. Ice and snow on the roadway can present challenges that many people do not know how to overcome. There were over 128,000 crashes reported to the Pennsylvania DOT during the latest reporting year. Many of those accidents happened in… READ MORE

How to Obtain Surveillance Video After Your Accident

Posted on November 8th, 2019

Surveillance videos can be valuable in the aftermath of a variety of different types of accidents. They can be sources of evidence used to determine the facts of an incident, particularly if there are no eyewitnesses or if there is a dispute as to what actually happened. Surveillance footage can help with: Car accidents Pedestrian Accidents & bicycle accidents Hit-and-run… READ MORE

Car Inspection Laws in Pennsylvania

Posted on June 27th, 2019

If you are a regular driver in the state of Pennsylvania, it is important to know the car inspection laws. These laws are mandatory to protect the lives of drivers everywhere. As described by our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers, the most important things to know about Pennsylvania’s car inspection laws include how often to get your vehicle checked, where to… READ MORE

What Is The Difference Between First-Party Medical Benefits and PIP Coverage?

Posted on May 26th, 2019

Pennsylvania is one of 12 states that abide by no-fault car insurance laws. Under the no-fault system, individuals involved in an auto accident will file damage claims with their own insurance companies regardless of who caused the accident. Instead of determining fault and filing with that party’s insurance provider, all involved parties will file with their own insurers. Claims between… READ MORE

Pennsylvania Collision Repair Laws and Regulations 2023

Posted on May 24th, 2019

After an auto collision in Pennsylvania, it may be up to you to navigate the process for repairing your vehicle. While an auto mechanic will provide a repair estimate for you, it is your responsibility to know your rights and protect them during the process. In Pennsylvania, auto repair shops and technicians must follow certain rules and regulations during vehicle… READ MORE

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