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Posts Categorized: Car Accidents

Pennsylvania Car Accident Compensation Laws

Posted on April 23rd, 2020

When someone is injured in a car accident, they should be able to count on insurance carriers to cover the expenses. However, these cases are rarely straightforward, and securing compensation for all accident-related expenses can be difficult. Limits on Damages In general, there are no caps on compensation that a person can receive in the aftermath of a car accident… READ MORE

How Insurance Companies Dispute Liability In Accident Cases

Posted on April 22nd, 2020

In the aftermath of sustaining an injury in a car accident, victims rely on insurance settlements to help cover their medical expenses and other accident-related costs. However, insurance carriers are “for-profit” companies that will do what they can to ensure they pay as little as possible in a payout. Here, we will discuss how insurance companies can dispute liability after… READ MORE

Chain Reaction Crashes: Who is at Fault?

Posted on April 17th, 2020

While any car accident can be scary and result in a complex insurance battle, chain-reaction crashes can become incredibly complicated. Not only do car accident victims need to deal with their injuries, but they are often left stuck in the middle of a back and forth between the insurance carriers of the various parties involved looking to assign blame and… READ MORE

7 Factors That Could Affect Your Compensation

Posted on April 14th, 2020

It is vital victims of car accidents receive compensation when they are injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another person. However, there are several factors that can determine how much is a final settlement may end up being. Here, the Philadelphia car accident attorneys at the Ciccarelli Law Offices want to discuss seven of these determining factors.… READ MORE

How to Obtain a Police Report After a Car Accident

Posted on March 20th, 2020

Nobody wants to get into a car accident, and the aftermath of a crash can be confusing. After a crash occurs, there are various things you need to take care of. Securing the police report is vitally important for the outcome of a car accident settlement. The police report is one of the most useful records for an attorney helping… READ MORE

5 Factors That Affect Your Car Accident Settlement

Posted on March 17th, 2020

Obtaining a settlement in the aftermath of a car accident that was caused by another driver’s careless or negligent actions is important. Victims in these incidents should not have to worry about how to pay for their medical expenses and property damage. However, there are several factors that could affect your car accident settlement. 1.     The severity of the injury… READ MORE

When Are Car Accidents Covered by Workers Comp?

Posted on February 21st, 2020

Work injuries are a common occurrence in the US and in Pennsylvania. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were approximately 2.8 million workplace injuries and illnesses reported during the latest year. While there are various types of injuries that can occur in the workplace, work injuries can also occur in car accidents. Many people wonder whether or… READ MORE

Accidents Caused by Defective Mechanical Work

Posted on February 19th, 2020

When you take your vehicle in for repairs, you should be able to count on the mechanic doing a good job. They should certainly not make a mistake that leads to a car accident. Unfortunately, there are times when a mechanic makes a mistake that causes a collision. When this happens, an injured victim may wish to pursue damages against… READ MORE

Child Passenger Accident Statistics

Posted on February 18th, 2020

Car accidents are a regular occurrence in our area. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, there were more than 128,000 total car accidents reported during the latest year across the Commonwealth. One of the scariest things for a parent or guardian is having a child in the car when an accident occurs. Children are more susceptible to injuries in… READ MORE

What to Do If an Uninsured Driver Hits You

Posted on January 17th, 2020

Being involved in any car accident can be confusing and complicated. However, if you are struck by an uninsured driver, the situation can be even more difficult to deal with. There are millions of uninsured drivers on the roadways in the United States, with many here in Pennsylvania. We want to talk about what you can do if you are… READ MORE

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