Prostitution Arrest
Prostitution Charges
According to, there are approximately 1-2 million prostitutes in the United States, with 40-42 million worldwide. Eighty percent of those prostitutes are female, ranging in age between 13 and 25, but about half of all the children trafficked for sex are young boys. About 90 percent of all prostitutes are dependent on a pimp. Many have tried to legalize prostitution with the goal of repealing laws that make the purchase of sex between consenting adults legal.
Since prostitution is usually treated as criminal conduct, sex workers are unable to rely on support or protection from law enforcement, therefore, rarely report crimes against them. In short, those engaging in sex work are at risk of being penalized because of their profession, even having their earnings seized in some cases. Because of the stigmatized and criminalized status experienced by sex workers, law enforcement may harass these workers, even perpetrating physical or sexual violence against them with no consequences. Criminalization rarely helps individuals get out of prostitution, yet it remains a criminal offense. In the wake of accusations of prostitution charges in the greater Phoenix metro area, Maricopa County including but not limited to Chandler, Tempe, Scottsdale or Gilbert, you need to contact an attorney immediately.
Why Should You Choose the Legal Team at Ciccarelli Law Offices for Your Prostitution Charges?
Choosing an attorney for your criminal charges of prostitution is rarely an easy decision. You probably do not have a criminal attorney on speed dial and may not know exactly what you should look for.
You should have an attorney in your corner that is supportive of the position you find yourself in and who has extensive experience relevant to your charges. You need an attorney who knows exactly what to do and how to get things done.
When you choose the legal team at Ciccarelli Law Offices, you are choosing attorneys who have broad experience in criminal defense, including defending individuals against prostitution charges.
You want an attorney who will aggressively defend your Arizona prostitution charges from start to finish. Our attorneys work together to develop the strongest defense, with the goal of having your criminal charges significantly reduced or dismissed altogether.
At Ciccarelli Law Offices, we have your back when you are accused of a criminal offense. Lee Ciccarelli is an experienced defender of those accused of sex crimes, leading a team with more than 100 years of combined national criminal defense experience in state and federal courts. Lee has been recognized by Super Lawyers and the Ciccarelli legal team has received hundreds of five-star reviews. We fully understand the trauma of being charged and prosecuted for prostitution. Not only are you facing serious criminal penalties, but you are also looking at a sullied reputation, perhaps even the loss of your job.
The Ciccarelli legal team brings big-city criminal defense experience to you, serving your needs in every way possible. We are dedicated to fighting for the rights of those whose future and liberty are on the line due to criminal allegations. We truly want to make a difference in your life regardless of who you are, where you are from, or how much money you have.
Lee Ciccarelli has been recognized as Super Lawyers and Lee has also been rated by AVVO with its highest rating (10.0) and as a Top 100 Trial Lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers Association, the TEN Best Client satisfaction award by the American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys and as one of the top 100 litigation attorneys by the American Society of Legal Advocates.
What is Prostitution in Arizona?
Under A.R.S. 13-3214, it is a crime to knowingly engage in prostitution—trading sexual favors for money or anything of value. It is also a crime to offer or agree to trade sex acts for money or something of value, known as a solicitation of prostitution. Prostitution is generally a Class 1 misdemeanor with a mandatory 15-day jail sentence for a first-time offense. The “something of value” can be things or favors like a landlord agreeing to forego the monthly rent if the tenant agrees to a sexual act.
What are the Penalties in Arizona for Prostitution?
You can definitely spend time in jail for a prostitution conviction. For the first offense of prostitution in the state of Arizona, you face a Class 1 misdemeanor. You could be fined up to $2,500, be sentenced to up to three years of probation, and could spend from 15 days to six months in jail.
A second conviction of prostitution remains a Class 1 misdemeanor, however, the jail time is between 30 days and six months.
A third prostitution conviction brings from 60 days to six months in jail, and a fourth conviction of prostitution becomes a Class 5 felony with penalties including 180 days to four years in jail.
Child prostitution is always a Class 2 felony, although the penalties will depend on the ages of the accused as well as the alleged victim.
As you can see, prostitution can have serious repercussions. The time spent in jail could cause you to lose your current job, or to be unable to secure employment in the future. As you might imagine, there is also a social stigma attached to any type of sex crime, including prostitution. Because of this, having an experienced criminal defense attorney from Ciccarelli Law Offices can truly make a difference in the outcome of your prostitution charges.
What are the Potential Defenses to Prostitution?
While your defense will depend on your exact charges as well as the circumstances and facts surrounding your charges, there are a few defenses that are typically used against charges of prostitution. First, if the evidence against you was gathered during an undercover police operation, you may have been the victim of entrapment. Entrapment is an illegal act by law enforcement where police officers actively encourage an individual to commit a crime—even when the individual did not want to do so.
If no money or other things of value exchanged hands for the solicited or performed sexual act, then no crime was actually committed. It could reasonably be argued that the encounter was between two consenting adults. The third defense against charges of prostitution is the claim that you were compelled to commit the crime under duress. Since it is illegal to compel another person to engage in prostitution, your charges could potentially be dismissed.
Are You Facing Charges of Prostitution? We Can Help!
If you are facing charges of prostitution, it is important to realize the severity of these charges and the lifelong consequences you face if convicted. Charges of prostitution can follow you throughout your life and seriously jeopardize your future. Don’t trust your future to just anyone. At Ciccarelli Law Offices, our Arizona Criminal Defense lawyers have the experience and resources you need to fight these charges.
Call a Phoenix Prostitution Attorney Today
If you or somebody you love is facing accusations or charges of Sex Crimes in the greater Phoenix metro area, Maricopa County including but not limited to Chandler, Tempe, Scottsdale or Gilbert, you need to contact an attorney immediately. Not any attorney will do, and you likely need a team of Smart, Experienced, Aggressive, determined lawyers that fight back at sex crimes and discuss you or your loved one’s possible defenses and strategies. Call now. Now is the time for action and the time for Lee Ciccarelli and his team.
Do not speak to law enforcement officials or prosecutors until you have legal counsel by your side. At the Ciccarelli Law Offices, our team has a track record of success helping clients get through incredibly complex criminal defense cases. We know that the stakes are high, and we will use all of our resources to ensure you are treated fairly. When you need a Maricopa County sex crimes attorney, reach out to our team today. We are determined to fight for our clients. It’s in our DNA to have your back and your Success is Our Mission.