Gilbert DUI Defense Attorney
Law enforcement officials and prosecutors vigorously pursue charges against those accused of drinking and driving. The penalties for DUI in Arizona can be severe, and any person facing these charges should seek legal assistance from Ciccarelli Law Offices as soon as possible. Our attorneys are here to help when you need a Gilbert DUI defense attorney by your side. We have the experience necessary to handle every aspect of these cases, including investigating what happened and standing up to aggressive prosecutors as we work to help you get the charges reduced or dismissed.
Why Choose the Ciccarelli Law Offices for Help With Your Case?
- The attorneys at the Ciccarelli Law Offices are passionate about what they do on behalf of clients, and they are compassionate in their treatment of every person that walks through the door.
- Every client that comes to our firm will work directly with their attorney throughout the entirety of their case.
- Every attorney at our firm is dedicated to providing tenacious and zealous advocacy for those facing any type of criminal charge, including DUI offenses.
What Will a DUI Defense Attorney Do?
A DUI defense attorney is going to be an invaluable asset in these situations. First, an attorney will handle all communication with prosecutors and law enforcement officials. The first goal of an attorney in these situations will be to help handle communication with the MVD so that you can keep driving as your case proceeds forward.
An attorney will thoroughly examine the circumstances leading up to your arrest. This will include determining whether or not the stop was conducted legally and that any field sobriety or blood alcohol tests were conducted properly.
Various Levels of DUIs in Gilbert
In the state of Arizona, a person will face DUI charges if they have a blood alcohol content level of .08% or above. However, we do want to point out that a person under the age of 21 can face a DUI charge if they have any level of alcohol in their system. When we turn to A.R.S. 28-1381, we can see that there are three levels of DUI charges in this state:
- Regular DUI. This will apply if a person’s BAC is between .08 to .149.
- Extreme DUI. This will apply if a person’s BAC is between .15 and .19.
- Super Extreme DUI. This will apply if a person’s BAC is between .2 and higher.
When a person is facing a first-time regular DUI offense, the following penalties may apply:
- Up to 10 days in jail
- Fined around $1,500 with additional assessments
- Suspension of a license for 90 days or one-year revocation (if breathalyzer refused)
- Ignition interlock device for 12 months
The penalties for a second and subsequent DUI offense will increase significantly. Additionally, any person convicted of an Extreme or Super Extreme DUI will also face increased penalties.
Call a Gilbert DUI Defense Lawyer Today
Now is the time for action. If you or somebody you love has been arrested and charged with DUI in or around the Gilbert area, reach out to the team at the Ciccarelli Law Offices as soon as possible. Our attorneys have the resources necessary to handle every aspect of DUI investigations. We will stand up and fight aggressive prosecutors as we work to ensure that you are treated fairly. Our goal is to get these charges reduced or dismissed so that you can retain your driving privileges and keep your criminal record clean. When you need a Gilbert DUI defense attorney, contact our team immediately. Your Success is our Mission.