Protection from Intimidation Order
In addition to sex crimes committed against adults, sexually motivated crimes committed against children under the age of eighteen (18) are increasingly treacherous. In many instances of sexual violence against children, the child victim has some type of relationship with the adult offender where the adult is in a position of power or influence over the victim, such as teacher-student relationships.
For circumstances where the minor victim experienced sexual violence at the hand of an adult with authority over the child in some capacity, it is likely that this adult will have access to the child at some point in the future.
Filing for a Protection from Intimidation (PFI) Order to protect a child is a process which may become markedly easier with help from a family law attorney.
Attorney for Protection from Intimidation Orders in Chester County PA
Protecting minors from adults who have misused their authority is an issue that our attorneys are passionate about. At Ciccarelli Law Offices, we have dedicated decades to helping victims of sexual violence, domestic violence, and other related issues in family law.
If a minor in your custody has experienced sexual violence at the hand of an adult offender, the minor victim may be eligible for a protective order against intimidation. If you live in the West Chester area, or a neighboring area including Coatesville, Kennett Square, King of Prussia, or Philadelphia, call Ciccarelli Law Offices at (610) 692-8700 today for a free consultation.
Call (610) 692-8700 or send an online message for a free consultation so we can act as soon as possible. We are based in West Chester PA and serve clients throughout Chester County, Lancaster County and suburban Philadelphia including West Chester, Kennett Square, Oxford, West Grove, Paoli, Malvern, Downingtown, Coatesville, Exton, Parkesburg, Berwyn and Devon. We have convenient meeting locations in Lancaster, Philadelphia, Plymouth Meeting, Kennett Square, Malvern, Springfield, King of Prussia, and Radnor.
Our family lawyers serve those with immediate legal needs in Chester County, Montgomery County, Delaware County and Lancaster County. Your time to obtain a protective order is limited. Serving clients in Chester County, Delaware County, Lancaster County, Montgomery County, and Philadelphia County, our attorneys are waiting to get started on protecting your family from any future harm.
What is a PFI Order
A Protection from Intimidation Order (PFI) is a court ordered protective order available to minor victims of sexual violence at the hand of an offender age eighteen (18) years or older barring any contact between the victim and the offender.
A hearing for this order will be granted within ten (10) days of the time the petition for a protective order is filed.
The adult offender must not have any familiar relation with the victim, and cannot live with the victim. In order to qualify for a PFI order, the petitioner must be the legal guardian, adult, or an adult living in the same household as the victim.
Additionally, the victim for whom the petition is filed must be under the age of eighteen (18). Lastly, the minor victim must be at a risk of further harm from the adult offender.
What Qualifies as Intimidation for PFIs
In Pennsylvania, the term “Intimidation” is defined to include conduct constituting a crime under either of the following provisions between persons who are not family or household members:
- Harassment where the conduct is committed by a person 18 years of age or older against a person under 18 years of age (18 Pa. C.S. §§ 2709(A)(4), (5), (6) or (7))
- Stalking where the conduct is committed by a person 18 years of age or older against a person under 18 years of age (18 Pa. C.S. § 2709.1)
Stalking is a type of intimidation where the offender commits either of the following acts:
- Communicating or repeatedly communicates with another person in such a manner showing intent to put the other person in reasonable fear of bodily harm, or in a manner which causes substantial emotional distress to the other person; or
- Communicating or repeatedly communicating with another person, with or without proper authority, in a manner showing intent to cause substantial emotional distress to the other person, or in a manner showing intent to place the other person in reasonable fear of bodily injury.
Similar to stalking, harassment requires that individual shows intent to alarm, annoy, or harass another person, through threatening, lewd, obscene, or lascivious communications either verbal or written. This communication can also be committed in a repetitious and anonymous way, at inconvenient times, or in a similar manner related to the previously mentioned methods.
Relief Available
Under 42 Pa. C.S. § 62A07, “no contact” orders which can include indirect conduct through a third party as well as restraining a defendant from entering plaintiff’s residence, place of employment, business or school. Relief can also include any other appropriate relief sought by plaintiff. The final order can remain in effect for up to three years.
Additional Resources
Protection from Sexual Intimidation– Visit the Family Court page of the Chester County Government site for more information on how to file for a PFI order of protection. This website also provides resources including contact information for the Crime Victim’s Center. Also, find more information on the recent PSVI Act and what it means for victims of sexual violence.
Sexual Intimidation Protection Hearings – Visit the website for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence to learn more about protection for adult from sexual violence and child victims from sexual intimidation. Learn more about the purpose of the Protection of Victims of Sexual Violence or Intimidation (PSVI) Action. Also find information about jurisdiction and which acts are covered.
Find a Lawyer for PFI Orders in Chester County, Pennsylvania
Sex crimes against minors are heinous acts which should be prevented at all costs. Although we cannot always predict these events, we can take action after the fact to prevent further abuse.
If you or a minor in your custody has experienced sexual violence, and is seeking a protective order, contact Ciccarelli Law Offices at (610) 692-8700 today. At your free consultation, our family law attorneys can work with you to choose a protective order best fitted to your circumstances.
Located in downtown West Chester, PA, Ciccarelli Law Offices has successfully defended clients from neighboring areas including Kennett Square, Philadelphia, Coatesville, and King of Prussia. We also serve clients outside of Chester County including Philadelphia County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, and Lancaster County. Call today to get started on your case.
This article was last updated on January 6, 2017.